Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First entry

I think that Spain will be a different pace then in the states.  The United States is so fast paced that it will be a welcome respite.  For me, it will be new and exciting and a wonderful opportunity to expand on my knowledge and practice my Spanish.  It will also allow me to make, hopefully lasting, connections and help others to understand our culture better.  Although being in another country with limited ability to communicate will be difficult, the hardest part for me will be the length of time away from my kids.  I think that because of my professional and humble take on this experience, my host family experience will be smooth and good.  I am friendly, good natured and respectful of others and that should ease any potential tensions.  My biggest fear is speaking; I am hoping that my time in Spain will help to ease that.  I am aware I am nervous even in English conversation, so this will be difficult for me.  While it is my biggest fear it is also the point that makes me most excited.  I hope that I will come out of this experience a more confident and well rounded person.

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